
Skeptics of the Gospel May Say It’s a Myth

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Maybe she and Joseph concocted this story as a way to save her life.

Skeptics of the Gospel may say, well, it’s a myth that Mary was a virgin when she had Jesus.

They would argue that she probably got pregnant before marriage, either by Joseph or someone else. According to the law in those times, she would have been stoned to death if she was found to be pregnant before marriage.

So maybe she and Joseph concocted this whole virgin conception by God story as a way to save her life.

Here’s the thing – have you ever told a lie to save your skin? Do you realize how difficult it is to keep that lie going? The truth always has a way of coming out. So you end up compounding lie after lie on top of the original lie, digging a deeper and deeper hole, just trying to preserve the first lie.

In the case of Mary and Joseph, someone would have known something. A friend or relative of Mary’s or maybe a friend that Joseph confided in. After all, they were young. And young kids in trouble need help from others to get out of it. Someone would have told.

There is no way that a lie of that magnitude, in those times, would have lasted one year, let alone two thousand.

On the other hand, the truth lasts. Truth always stands the test of time.

The truth always comes out eventually. If any part of the Gospel story wasn’t true, with people trying to debunk if for thousands of years, the lie would have been exposed by now. But it hasn’t been.

That’s because only truth can stand firm for 2,000 years. And it was a true story. And it remains a true story.

Jesus IS the Truth. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. NO ONE gets into Heaven unless they know Jesus first. Period. Full stop.

Get to know Jesus today. Develop a relationship with Him. He is the Living God. He’s alive today, just as much as He was back then, so He does hear you when you talk to Him.

Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Tell Him you’re not sure about His existence. Invite Him into your heart. Ask Him to show you His Truth. Ever heard of the phrase, the truth shall set you free? Here’s what it means: Since Jesus IS the Truth, it means that Jesus will set you free. Free from what? Free from sin, death and the grave.

See, we were all created as eternal beings. That means that after we leave this earth, our consciousness will go on living, forever. Science has already proven this. Under high powered microscopes, we are all made of light energy. Energy cannot be destroyed, it just changes form. So we will all go on living, just in a different form, after our earthly bodies decay and die.

Without knowing Jesus, your soul will go on for all eternity, except you’ll spend that eternity being separated from God. This separation is what’s know as Hell, and the Bible describes it as ‘weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth’. And that’s understandable, because can you imagine being alive forever, with no ‘home’ for your soul to rest? No rest, ever! That sounds like Hell to me! It would drive you mad.

But the Bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you believe in your heart that He is the one and only Son of God, that He came to earth to sacrifice Himself to take the punishment for all humankind’s sins, that He was killed on a cross, died and was buried, rose on the third day, and was seen among the people, walking, talking, eating and drinking. Then He ascended to Heaven. If you believe this with your heart, then the Bible says you are saved by Grace through Faith.

God will put His Holy Spirit in you and you will be given eternal life in Heaven. Think of it – Heaven, a beautiful, amazing home for your soul!

See for yourself. Talk to Him. Come to Him just as you are, with all your messes, and a humble heart. You won’t be sorry and you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. And THAT’S the Truth!

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