During prayer and quiet reflection, it came to me that Earth is like a boarding school or college.
You go away to school, but it’s not your home. Maybe it’s your home base temporarily, but not forever.
If you view your life on Earth this way, you can understand when the Bible says, do not build up your treasures here, because we don’t belong to this world. We only get maybe a measly 70 years here or a hundred at best. But if we don’t belong to this world, then why are we forced to live here?
The answer came to me this way: We’re just away at college, getting an education, and one day we’ll go home!
Yes, it’s a shame that when life gets too hard to handle sometimes, that we can’t get a holiday break and go home to rest. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to go home for a respite and receive encouragement, unconditional love, support and big hugs from our Father in Heaven? It would be wonderful to go home for a visit and receive good, sound advice, comfort and further instruction, before being sent back to school for another semester.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. But we can stop and be still, and talk to our Father ‘back home’, anytime we want to. In fact, the Bible instructs us to do just that. If we sit still long enough and listen, we will be able to hear the whispering voice of God inside of us. If we make this a regular practice, that voice will be our guiding light throughout our lifetime, instructing us each step of the way, and eventually calling us home.
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